JSME30&The 7th JTK Symposium Lancheon symposium: Promoting globalization and gender equality in higher education and research environment among Asian countries
第30回微生態土浦大会・7th JTKにて、10月18日に微生物生態学会 男女共同参画・ダイバーシティ推進委員会主催のランチョンシンポジウムを開催いたします。大会に参加予定の皆様はどうぞご参加ください。
*Free lunch box will be provided for attendees of this symposium. For free lunch, please obtain a lunch ticket at the symposium registration desk.
* Data and Time : Oct. 18th (Sun) 12:05~13:00
* Location:1F Room 100A, Tsuchiura City Kijo Plaza
* Organizers: JSME Committee for the Promotion of Diversity and Gender Equality, JTK Woman Scientist Network
Chair: Wakako Ohtsubo, Tohoku University
-Current issues and prospective: International research activities and gender equality in Japan and JSME (Natsuko Hamamura, Kyushu University, Japan)
-Gender equality and woman microbiologists in research environment in Taiwan (Shir-Ly Huang, President of TSME, National Central University, Taiwan; Juei-Yu Chiu, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan)
-The gender equality in research environments – past, present and future perspectives (Kyunghwa Baek, National Marine Biodiversity Institution of Korea, Korea)
Roundtable discussion:
“Sharing experiences for successful international activities and encouraging young scientists in Asian microbial ecological research”
JSME: Mia Terashima (Hokkaido Univ), Natsuko Hamamura (Kyushu Univ),
TSME: Shir-Ly Huang (National Central Univ), Juei-Yu Chiu (National Pingtung University of Science and Technology), DV Chang (Soochow Univ), Shiu Mei Liu (National Taiwan Ocean Univ)
KSM: Kyunghwa Baek (MABIK), Sunja Cho (Pusan National Univ)
微生物生態学会 男女共同参画・ダイバーシティ推進委員会