
珪藻Chaetoceros tenuissimusに感染するDNA/RNAウイルスの感染特異性と感染を支配する要因

木村 圭1, 外丸 裕司2 1佐賀大学低平地沿岸センター, 2水産総合研究センター瀬戸内海区水産研究所 夏期に沿岸域でブルームを形成する小型浮遊性珪藻C. tenuissimusには、種々のウイルスが感染する。これまでの現場調査から、本珪藻個体群の挙動にウイルスが何らかの影響を与えている事が予想されている。現場における両者の関係を理解するためには量的関係性の調査が必要であるが、さらに質的な関係を明らかにするためには、「珪藻株のウイルス感受性ならびにウイルスの宿主株感染特異性の多様度」、ならびに「ウイルス感染成立可否の支配要因(環境要因やゲノム変異度)」を明らかにす
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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PJ-168 (JTK):

Isolation and selection of cellulolytic dark septate endophytic fungi that able to promote asparagus plant growth

Surono, Surono1, Narisawa, Kazuhiko1 1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Isolation and selection of cellulolytic dark septate endophytic fungi that able to promote asparagus plant growth Surono1,2 and Kazuhiko Narisawa2,3 1Indonesian Soil Research Institute, Indonesia 2Uni
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The double symbiotic life: plant-associated Burkholderia are also associated with bordered plant bugs (Heteroptera: Largidae)

Takeshita, Kazutaka1,2, Matsuura, Yu3, Itoh, Hideomi2, Navarro, Ronald2, Hori, Tomoyuki2, Kamagata, Yoichi1,2, Kikuchi, Yoshitomo1,2 1Hokkaido univ. agri., 2AIST, 3Hokkaido univ. env. Diverse animals and plants possess symbiotic microorganisms in their bodies, many of which maintain t
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Evolution of verrucomicrobia from ectosymbionts to endonuclear symbionts of protists in the termite gut

Nagura, Yuichi1, Harada, Mami1, Izawa, Kazuki1, Murakami, Takumi1, Ohkuma, Moriya2, Kuwahara, Hirokazu 1, Hongoh, Yuichi 1,2 1Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2RIKEN BRC-JCM Protists in the termite gut harbor symbiotic bacteria on their cell surface, within the cytoplasm, and occasional
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Genetic diversity of Methylobacterium spp. on rice in Vietnam

Lai, Trinh Anh Khoa1, Miwa, Hiroki1, Masuda, Sachiko1, Yasuda, Michiko 1, Okazaki, Shin1 1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Rice is the most widely consumed as staple food for the world’s human population, especially in Asia. South Vietnam is one of the largest rice produ
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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Characterization of transposon mutants of Bradyrhizobium elkanii USDA61 that formed effective nodule on Rj4 soybean

FARUQUE, MUHAMMAD OMAR1, Miwa, Hiroki1, Yasuda, Michiko1, Masuda, Sachiko1, Fujii, Yoshiharu1, Kaneko, Takakazu2, Sato, Shusei3, Okazaki, Shin1 1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2Kyoto Sangyo University, 3Tohoku University Legume-rhizobium symbiosis is of great importan
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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Molecular genetic analysis of Bradyrhizobium elkanii mutants with altered symbiotic compatibility with Vigna radiata

Nguyen Phuoc, Hien1, Omar, Faruque 1, Miwa, Hiroki1, Okazaki, Shin1 1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology The interaction between rhizobia and leguminous plants results in the formation of root nodules. In nodules, rhizobia fix atmospheric dinitrogen into ammonia, which is u
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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PJ-162 (JTK):

Differential efficiency of nitrate respiration between Bradyrhizbium diazoefficiens and Bradyrhizobium japonicum

F. Siqueira, Arthur1, S_nchez, Cristina1, Itakura, Manabu1, Minamisawa, Kiwamu1 1Touhoku University – Graduate School of Life Sciences Denitrification is an alternative respiratory mechanism that occurs in limitation of oxygen, characterized by using nitrate or other nitrogen ox
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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PJ-161 (JTK):

Effect of heterotrophic bacteria on growth of a marine ammonia-oxidizing archaeon

Choi, Seon-Bin1, Min, Ui-Gi1, Hong, Heeji1, Gwak, Joo-Han1, Rhee, Sung-Keun1 1CBNU. microbiol. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) belonged to Thaumarchaeota play significant roles in the first step of nitrification and are abundant in various environments. Up to date, effect of heterotro
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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Determination of a suitable condition for Azospirillum sp. B510 infection and colonization in rice plant and observation of the colonization

Naher, Kamrun1, Yasuda, Michiko 1, Miwa, Hiroki 1, Masuda , Sachiko 1, Okazaki, Shin 1 1Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology The use of microorganisms with the aim of improving crop production is one of the important practices for sustainable agriculture. Azospirillum sp. B5
Posted On 06 10月 2015
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