Excellent Presentation Awards in the Multidisciplinary English session at the 37th annual JSME meeting (Hiroshima)
The fifth Multidisciplinary English Session was held at the 37th Annual JSME Meeting, featuring an invited speaker, Prof. Kasthuri Venkateswaran (NASA, Univ. North Dakota), and 12 contributed presentations. We were pleased to have a series of exciting presentations covering a wide range of topics, as well as lively discussions with a large number of participants.
We would like to express our gratitude to all who participated in the session as speakers and audience, as well as to the judges for their valuable contributions.
Convenor: Yukihiro Kinjo
JSME Committee for the Promotion of Diversity and Career Development
The winner of the Excellent Presentation Award for PhD Holders
Ben E. Clifton (OIST)
Title: The ultrahigh-affinity transport proteins of SAR11 marine bacteria
The winner of the Excellent Presentation Award for PhD Students
Md. Samiul Islam (Hokkaido University, AIST)
Title: Isolation of a novel soil ultramicrobacterium from the rarely cultured Verrucomicrobiota phylum
The winner of the Excellent Presentation Award for Master’s Students
Akito Shima (OIST, Kyushu University)
Title: New Mollicutes with reduced genomes discovered from coral metagenomes