第15回目をむかえるマラソンセミナーではDr. Hyun Seob Song (Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln)よりご講演いただきます。前回セミナーと同様に以下のzoomリンクよりどなたでもご参加いただくことができます。zoomのリンクについては微生物生態学会HP、マラソンセミナーのページにも掲載する予定です。それでは、皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております!
2022年9月6日(火) 17:30〜19:00
講演者: Dr. Hyun Seob Song 様
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
タイトル:Omics-informed Modeling of Microbially-Driven Biogeochemical Processes
Abstract: Microorganisms are a key driver of carbon and nitrogen cycling in the ecosystem. Despite their tremendous impacts on biogeochemistry, representation of microbial processes in the current practices of modeling is often oversimplified, significantly limiting our ability to predict ecosystem dynamics. While advanced profiling techniques led to high-throughput collection of multi-omics data for environmental microbiomes, e.g., in soils and riverbed sediments, their robust integration with biogeochemical models has yet to be fully demonstrated. In this talk, I will be presenting various omics-informed biogeochemical modeling approaches developed for this purpose. Specific examples include (1) thermodynamic modeling for integrating ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry data (such as those from FTICR-MS) to predict aerobic respiration rates in river corridors; (2) integration of both metabolomic and transcriptomic data to identify condition-specific metabolic pathways in soil microbiomes, and (3) machine learning-based reduced-order biogeochemical modeling to speed up reactive-transport simulations. This work aims to provide a fundamental understanding of complex interplays among microorganisms, substrates, and enzyme dynamics across scales via a more systematic data-model integration.
ウェビナーID:845 7949 5348