高井 研
Microbes and Environments誌(以下M&E誌)では共同編集学会等に所属する若手研究者のM&E誌へ投稿に対するモチベーション向上や愛情熟成を図る特典のようなつもりで、以下のキャンペーンを(編集委員長の責任でひっそりと)実施していました。最近、特典受給者が増加し、キャンペーン対象者を(編集委員長の責任でひっそりと)特定するのが難しくなってきたため、皆様に認識して頂き、自己申告をお願いするステージに達したという判断から、大々的に周知を行うことと致します。ぜひ、皆様のM&E誌への投稿をお待ちしております。
- Microbes and Environments最優秀論文賞受賞者が受賞後、受賞者が主著者(筆頭著者あるいはそれと同等)として投稿され受理された論文2報(5年以内)の掲載料を無料とします。
- 2年以内に3報の論文が受理された著者(2報以上の主著論文を含む)の2報目主著論文の掲載料を無料とします。なお、3報目が共著の場合は、次に(2年以内)主著として受理された論文を掲載料無料の対象とします。
・本キャンペーンは若手研究者のファン層拡大を目的としています。掲載料支払い責任者及び掲載料の会員価格適用の有無は責任著者(corresponding author)に依りますが、本キャンペーンの主著者と責任著者は異なります。
Free publication fee campaign for young scientists in Microbes and Environments (M&E)
M&E launches “Free publication fee “campaign to support the young scientists who love our journal and did great jobs. If you figure out that you are the candidates of campaign ‘free publication fee in M&E’, please let the editorial office know after your acceptance in M&E.
- Winner of Most Valuable Paper (MVP) of The Year in M&E. M&E editorial board select MVP of The Year for every year that is awarded in the annual meeting of Japan Society of Microbial Ecology. The awardee should be the first author or the author equally contributed to the first author of the MVP. The winner can publish two accepted papers as the first author or the author equally contributed to the first author in the next 5 years after the MVP award without publication fee.
- Get Two, One More Freeeeeeeeee. The authors who accepted three papers including 2 papers accepted as the first author (or the author equally contributed to the first author) in the recent two years. The third paper accepted as the first author (or the author equally contributed to the first author) should be published without publication fee. If the third paper is accepted as the contributed authors, the next paper accepted as the first author (or the author equally contributed to the first author) in the next 2 years should be published without publication fee.
Note: M&E usually charges publication fee to the corresponding author but not to the first author. The campaign will continue until the financial state of M&E becomes terrible due to the silly Editor-In-Chief.