Excellent Presentation Award in the Multidisciplinary English session in the 34th annual JSME meeting
Excellent Presentation Award in the Multidisciplinary English session in the 34th annual JSME meeting
The second Multidisciplinary English session was held in the 34th annual JSME meeting with invited speakers, Ryo Miyazaki (AIST) and Thomas Bourguignon (OIST), and ten contributed presentations from graduate students and postdoctoral scholars. We were glad having exciting presentations covering broad topics and discussions with 100+ of participants. We would like to thank all who participated in the session as speakers and audience!
Convenor Yukihiro Kinjo and Hiroyuki Kashima
JSME Committee for the Promotion of Diversity and Career Development
The winner of the Excellent Presentation Award for postdoctoral scholars:
Jackson M. Tsuji (Inst. of Low. Temp. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)
Revisiting the evolution and ecology of photosynthesis with the discovery of “Candidatus Chlorohelix allophototropha”, a phototrophic Chloroflexota member that uses a Type I reaction center
The winner of the Excellent Presentation Award for graduate students:
Motoyuki Watanabe (Grad. Sch. of Agri., Hokkaido Univ.)
Isolation and characterization of microbes which are sensitive to extremely low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide
2021年10月30日(土)〜11月2日(火)に開催された日本微生物生態学会第34回大会において、第2回となるMultidisciplinary English sessionを開催し、招待講演者の宮崎亮さん(AIST)、 トマ・ブーギニョンさん (OIST)、そして大学院生と若手研究者から10題の幅広い話題の講演をいただきました。当日100名を超える皆様にご参加いただき、それぞれの発表に対して口頭・およびZOOMのチャットで活発な議論が出来ました。セッションにご参加いただいた皆様に感謝申し上げます。セッションコンビーナ、招待講演者、およびキャリアパスダイバーシティ推進委員会委員から成る審査員が優秀発表賞(大学院生1題、学位取得者1題)を選出致しましたので発表致します。
Motoyuki Watanabe (Grad. Sch. of Agri., Hokkaido Univ.)
Isolation and characterization of microbes which are sensitive to extremely low concentration of hydrogen peroxide
Jackson M. Tsuji (Inst. of Low. Temp. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)
Revisiting the evolution and ecology of photosynthesis with the discovery of “Candidatus Chlorohelix allophototropha”, a phototrophic Chloroflexota member that uses a Type I reaction center
金城 幸宏、 鹿島裕之